Event Report
Me and three of the players arrived at the venue just before nine to help set up. The daylight saving time change (clocks go forward an hour) caused some worries for me as a few players were a little bit late, but none so much as to hold up anything.
Once the tables where all initially all set up. It was time to start the first round pairings with the eleven players.
Round one.
The round started off swiftly and Steven Pattullo's Gladiators received the first round bye (so he got max 24 points)
Table 1 - Triads versus Syntha
Table 2 - V.A.S.A versus Syntha
Table 3 - Viridians versus Gladiators
Table 4 - V.A.S.A versus Triads
Table 5 -Triads versus Viridians
Round one games in full swing.
Round Two
Gary Hewitson playing with Triads received this rounds bye
The more points you get from the last round, the opponents got tougher.
Round two pairings
Table 1 - Viridians versus Syntha
Table 2 - Gladiators versus Viridians
Table 3- V.A.S.A versus V.A.S.A
Table 4 - Gladiators versus Syntha
Table 5 - Triads versus Triads
Round 3
Neil McGregor and his Gladiators get the bye for this round
Round three begins
Table 1 - Viridians versus Viridians
Table 2- V.A.S.A versus Syntha
Table 3 - V.A.S.A versus Syntha
Table 4 - Triads versus Triads
Table 5 - Triads versus Gladiators
Round 4 (Final round)
The bye for this round goes to Sarah McFarlane and her Triads
Final games begin
Table 1 - Viridians versus Syntha
Table 2 - Syntha
Table 2 - Viridians
Table 3 - Triads versus Gladiators
Table 4 - V.A.S.A versus Gladiators
Table 5 - V.A.S.A versus Triads
Once the dust had settled over the battlefield, it was time to total up the points. but before we do that i would like to share some of my thoughts and show some highlights. All of the games seem to have been well played and hard fought. What really pleased me, was seeing everyone had a fully painted strike team. Some of the team rosters had named command models such as Neura, Konrad Borislav and Neo Pi.
In a Triad versus Triad battle Archie's Kabuki took
out most of Sarah's special Triad troops including a
Triad boss and a Kabuki doll.
Neils Gladiators charge through the ruins
- In the first round Gary's Triads refused to withdraw against the slaughter caused by Sion's Viridians.
James's KV72 starfire and a suppressor take cover in the trench emplacement
- Neil's greater pit beast rampaged against Dan's Syntha
Viridians advance on table one.
Ian's Viridian gunline
- In the Third round, the Virdian versus Virdian a sniper duel broke out. Then soon it was Shock marine versus shock marine
Steve's Gladiators attempt a flanking attack
- Gary's Dragon rocket launcher team landed a fantastic hit on Stefan's strike team, catching three targets in the centre circle, however he failed to wound anybody only managing to shock one of the V.A.S.A.
Final Results
1st- Dan Rayner - Syntha
2nd- Kevin Findlay -Syntha
3rd- Sion Bayliss - Viridians
4th- Steven Pattullo -Gladiators
5th- Ian Fergus - Viridians
6th- Archie Yates -Triads
7th- James Fergus- V.A.S.A
8th- Stefan Jelks - V.A.S.A
9th- Sarah McFarlane - Triads
10th- Neil McGregor -Gladiators
11th- Gary Hewitson - Triads
2nd- Kevin Findlay -Syntha
3rd- Sion Bayliss - Viridians
4th- Steven Pattullo -Gladiators
5th- Ian Fergus - Viridians
6th- Archie Yates -Triads
7th- James Fergus- V.A.S.A
8th- Stefan Jelks - V.A.S.A
9th- Sarah McFarlane - Triads
10th- Neil McGregor -Gladiators
11th- Gary Hewitson - Triads
The Suburban War 2012 winners
Kevin Finlay, Dan Rayner and Sion Bayliss
Steven Pattullo, Ian Fergus, Archie Yates and James Fergus were also awarded for best faction.
Gary Hewitson was awarded the Wonky dice award for last place.
Congratulations to all the winners
and a thank you to everyone who took part.
Very cool. I haven't played the game, but some of the miniatures are calling out to me. The VASA in particular are very cool looking and themed.
ReplyDeleteThnaks, the quick start rules for the game can be found here:
good stuff kenzie, i like how the syntha topped the table, i also recognise one of the top 3 guys from the edinburgh tourney. wodger